Maybe the medication only worked because I was telling myself that it did...
After I had that chat with my sis I got really depressed again. While she was still with me in my room. I was lying on the floor staring out into nothingness. She asked me why I looked so sad and I answered that I wasn't sad. She told me that something obviously was wrong and wondered what, but I replied "I don't know".
I have a feeling I upset her by not telling her what was wrong, because she left after that. Honestly though, I don't know what's wrong. I rarely do these days. It confuses me and makes me feel even worse.
I have no plans this weekend. Hopefully I'll get to sleep alot. My parents have a habit of waking me up when they think it's too late in the afternoon, so probably not.
On Monday I've decided to visit my old school. There is a teacher there that has helped me through alot and I still keep in touch with him because he is a great support and he has made me feel better so many times.
Bye for now,
The shadows trick me.
They make me think they are creatures.
They are after me.
I managed to eat a sandwich around lunch time and then I had to lie down on the couch because I was too dizzy to stand or even sit up. I suddenly woke up 3 hours later, so I must have fallen asleep. It took me about 45 minutes before I could push myself to get up again and I parked myself in front of the computer once more. And here I'v been sitting since then. Probably about 5-6 hours, and I'm not planning on moving soon either.
This morning I remembered that I haden't taken my medication the night before, so I took it in the morning instead. It probably contributed quite alot my dizziness.
Bye for now,
So I've spent an hour designing a layout for howrse now and ended up with one that I think is OK. Of course though, I don't know how to put it in the presentation, so it's all for nothing. I've searched around looking for answers, but can not find any.
At the moment I'm beginning to feel what my sleepless night did to my body. I'm starting to feel dizzy and slow and actually kind of tired. I'm thinking about perhaps going to bed now, however that will result in me sleeping the entire day, so I think I will just have to endure.
My goals for today are:
- To take a shower
- To eat regularly
- Go to bed at a decent time
Bye for now,