This is where I tell the world my deepest secrets. This is not meant for my family or my friends to know about. I am an anonymous blogger, but you can call me Amee.
Me and E is still not talking. I don't think it is quite as tense anymore, because we can at least hang out with the same people at the same time and be polite to each other... I miss her though. You don't just forget about one of your closest friends like that. I guess I'm not as important to her.
Today I signed up for a ski trip with my school. It's just for a day, but it's the only chance I get to ski and I really do love it, so I'm happy anyway. The trip is on the 14th of February.
I haven't heard from Gröna Lund yet, but I'll let you know how it went as soon as I hear from them.
Just the average depressed teenager. I will always be anonymous because many of my posts are very personal and things I don't want family and friends to know about. For the sake of simplicity though, my nickname to you readers is Amee.