This is where I tell the world my deepest secrets. This is not meant for my family or my friends to know about. I am an anonymous blogger, but you can call me Amee.
Sometime just before christmas I got antidepressants. Since it's been a while now since I started taking them I've been trying to see if my feelings have changed any, and I came to the conclusion that they have, however I'm not sure if it's actually because of the medication or not. I'm definetley still depressed, no question about that, but when I think about it I actually haven't had any major anxiety attacks and to me that is a huge step forward. I feel much more stable, which is good, but I also feel kinda empty and numb. That bothers me a bit, since I at least would like to feel like a person, though compared to me last month I definitely prefer the numb me.
Just the average depressed teenager. I will always be anonymous because many of my posts are very personal and things I don't want family and friends to know about. For the sake of simplicity though, my nickname to you readers is Amee.