
This is where I tell the world my deepest secrets. This is not meant for my family or my friends to know about. I am an anonymous blogger, but you can call me Amee.

Hard work work

I surprised myself with writing a CV and a personal letter this evening. Why? Because I want to work at the tivoli Gröna Lund this summer! I know nothing about writing this type of things, so I'm gonna have some people I trust look at them before I send them to the tivoli. How exciting!

This may not be such a big deal, but I think this is really good for me. My biggest issue has been that I don't want to live. I just can't find a good reason to why I should. And this gives me some sort of purpose. A goal to strive for. To work at the tivoli for the summer. I think it could be a lot of fun.

I'll let you know how it goes!

Bye for now,



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