
This is where I tell the world my deepest secrets. This is not meant for my family or my friends to know about. I am an anonymous blogger, but you can call me Amee.

Neck hurts from sitting too much.

I managed to eat a sandwich around lunch time and then I had to lie down on the couch because I was too dizzy to stand or even sit up. I suddenly woke up 3 hours later, so I must have fallen asleep. It took me about 45 minutes before I could push myself to get up again and I parked myself in front of the computer once more. And here I'v been sitting since then. Probably about 5-6 hours, and I'm not planning on moving soon either.

This morning I remembered that I haden't taken my medication the night before, so I took it in the morning instead. It probably contributed quite alot my dizziness.

Bye for now,



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