
This is where I tell the world my deepest secrets. This is not meant for my family or my friends to know about. I am an anonymous blogger, but you can call me Amee.

Is it really working?

Maybe the medication only worked because I was telling myself that it did...

After I had that chat with my sis I got really depressed again. While she was still with me in my room. I was lying on the floor staring out into nothingness. She asked me why I looked so sad and I answered that I wasn't sad. She told me that something obviously was wrong and wondered what, but I replied "I don't know".

I have a feeling I upset her by not telling her what was wrong, because she left after that. Honestly though, I don't know what's wrong. I rarely do these days. It confuses me and makes me feel even worse.

I have no plans this weekend. Hopefully I'll get to sleep alot. My parents have a habit of waking me up when they think it's too late in the afternoon, so probably not.

On Monday I've decided to visit my old school. There is a teacher there that has helped me through alot and I still keep in touch with him because he is a great support and he has made me feel better so many times.

Bye for now,



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